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Chapter 1. Staying in Control
Making the spreadsheet more readable with colors
Making the spreadsheet more readable with comments
Making the spreadsheet more readable using borders
Using named ranges
Selecting all worksheet cells with one click
Copying the formatting of one cell to another cell or range
Debugging your spreadsheets
Navigation between worksheets
Grouping the canvas components
Chapter 2. Data Visualization
Adding a line chart to your dashboard
Using the bullet chart
Using sparklines
Using the combination chart
Using the pie chart
Using the XY chart
Using the bubble chart
Using the radar chart
Using the OHLC chart and candlestick chart
Sorting series
Zooming in on charts
Scaling the y-axis
Using the tree map
Showing a trend without a chart
Displaying raw data
Illustrating single values
Chapter 3. From a Static to an Interactive Dashboard
Drilling down from a chart
Selecting your data from a list
Using the Filter Selector component for hierarchies
Alternative hierarchy selection method
Using Filtered Rows
Using maps to select data of an area or country
Adding a MacOSX loading dock to your dashboard
Resetting your data (reset button)
Making selections from a custom image (push button and image component)
Inputting data values
Using Play Selector/Play Control
Opening up a Web Intelligence report using dashboard parameters
Selecting calendar dates
Using sliders to create a what-if scenario
Chapter 4. Dynamic Visibility
Switching between different charts
Building a pop-up screen
Creating a mouse-over help text pop-up
Password protecting your dashboard
Chapter 5. Using Alerts
Adding alerts to a column chart
Using alerts in a gauge
Making alert ranges dynamic
Displaying alerts on a map
Displaying alerts of different thresholds on a map
Using bindable colors to control alert coloring from a central location
Using alerts in a scorecard
Chapter 6. Advanced Components
Printing your dashboard
Grouping and organizing components with the canvas container
Using dashboard scenarios
Using the grid component
Creating a slide show
Using the panel set component
Using the history component
Data insertion with the Source data component
Analyzing trends
Chapter 7. Dashboard Look and Feel
Changing the look of a chart
Adding a background to your dashboard
Using color schemes
Sharing a color scheme
Working with themes
Making component colors dynamic
Using the panel container
Using the tab set container
Making tables look pretty
Smart use of quadrants
Chapter 8. Dashboard Connectivity
Creating a news ticker with Excel XML Maps
Using Query as a WebService (QaaWS)
Using Live Office connection
Connecting to SAP BW
Using Universe queries
Passing values from dashboard to dashboard with Flash Variables
Accessing dashboards with live data outside of Infoview using CELogonToken
Chapter 9. Exporting and Publishing
Exporting to a standard SWF PPT PDF and so on
Exporting to SAP Business Objects Enterprise
Publishing to SAP BW
Housing your dashboard in Dashboard Builder
Creating Adobe Air Applets from Dashboard Design dashboard
Chapter 10. Top Third-Party Add-ons
Managing add-ons in Dashboard Design
Connecting to CSV-files with the CSV-connector
Integrating Google Maps with the GMaps plugin
Connecting to Salesforce.com with DashConn
Transferring data between dashboards with Data Sharer
Presenting micro charts in a tree grid
Integrating Web Intelligence with Antivia XWIS
Appendix A. Real World Dashboard Case Studies
What-if scenario: mortgage calculator
Sales/profit dashboard example
Appendix B. Additional Resources—Supported Excel Functions and System/Software Requirements
Online resources
Supported Excel functions
System and software requirements
更新时间:2021-04-02 19:30:57