黄桷树财经编著更新时间:2021-09-23 11:38:24
最新章节:Section Ⅳ A City of the Future:A Global Smart City in the Era of Intelligent Industry封面
第1章 盛会:全球精英的思维演进
第1节 实践:从仰望星空到脚踏实地
第2节 加速:从草图线稿到泼墨挥毫
第3节 应变:人工智能置身所有变化的第一现场
第2章 趋势:智能产业的关键导航
第1节 抢跑5G,影响全球智能产业的关键布局
第2节 从新能源与碳中和,洞悉智能产业未来30年
第3节 产业无边界,人工智能贯穿一切场景
第4节 数字化生活,人工智能重新定义社会关系
第5节 智能红利:中国面向全球释放增长新动能
第3章 实践:智能产业的第一现场
第1节 智能制造,工业时代的过渡还是智能时代的萌芽?
第2节 智慧农业,重新定义人与农业的生产关系
第3节 智慧城市,城市发展史上最快的脱胎换骨
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第4节 创新现场,人工智能变革所有行业
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第5节 全球疫情中,中国采用人工智能实践抗疫
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第4章 成果:科技智能的前沿创新
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第1节 黑科技汇聚,从智博会眺望时代未来
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第2节 从智能材料到自动驾驶,制造业正在加速变革
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第3节 智博会上的新世界,生活有了“智”的飞跃
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第4节 智慧金融变革中,科技带来“涡轮增压”效应
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第5节 生活的便利,从智能政务开始
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第5章 重庆:智能时代的关键见证
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第1节 想象之城:重庆投身智能产业新浪潮
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第2节 战略之城:加快建设“智造重镇”“智慧名城”
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第3节 实践之城:从名企落地到万物生长
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第4节 未来之城:打造智能产业时代的全球智慧名城
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后记 智能时代的年度印记
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Chapter 1 GrandEvent: Evolution ofthe Thinking of Global Elites
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Section Ⅰ Practice: From Looking Up at the Starry Sky to Being Down to the Earth
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Section Ⅱ Acceleration: From Sketching Lines to Splashing Ink
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Section Ⅲ Change: Artificial Intelligence in the First Scene of All Changes
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Chapter 2 Trends: Key Navigation in the Intelligent Industry
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Section Ⅰ Jump-Start 5G Key Layouts Affecting the Global Intelligent Industry
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Section Ⅱ Foresee the Next 30 Years of Intelligent Industry from New Energy and Carbon Neutrality
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Section Ⅲ Industry Without Boundaries Artificial Intelligence Throughout All Scenarios
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Section Ⅳ Digital Life and Artificial Intelligence Redefine Social Relationships
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Section Ⅴ Smart Dividend: China Unleashes New Growth Momentum for the World
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Chapter 3 Practice: The First Site of Intelligent Industry
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Section Ⅰ Smart Manufacturing the Transition of the Industrial Era or the Budding of the Intelligent Era?
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Section Ⅱ Smart Agriculture Redefining the Production Relationship Between People and Agriculture
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Section Ⅲ Smart Cities the Fastest Transformation in the History of Urban Development
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Section Ⅳ In the Innovation Scene Artificial Intelligence Transforms All Industries
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Section Ⅴ China Adopts AI Practices to Fight Against the Epidemic Under the Pandemic Dilemma
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Chapter 4 Achievements: Cutting-Edge Innovations in Technological Intelligence
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Section Ⅰ The Convergence of Black Technologies Overlook the Future of the Times from the Smart China Expo
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Section Ⅱ From Smart Materials to Autonomous Driving Manufacturing Is Changing at an Accelerated Pace
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Section Ⅲ New World at the Smart China Expo Empowers Life to Leap “Intelligently”
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Section Ⅳ In the Intelligent Financial Transformation Technology Brings the“Turbo-Charging”Effects
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Section Ⅴ The Convenience of Life Starts from the Smart Government Services
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Chapter 5 Chongqing: A Key Witness of the Intelligence Era
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Section Ⅰ A City of Imagination:Chongqing Is Committed to the New Trend of Intelligent Industry
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Section Ⅱ A City of Strategy:From a Manufacturing Town to a Smart City
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Section Ⅲ A City of Practice:From the Landing of Famous Enterprises to Driving the Rapid Development of Various Industries
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Section Ⅳ A City of the Future:A Global Smart City in the Era of Intelligent Industry
更新时间:2021-09-23 11:38:24