berries strikes robin eagle short

king rid foe dart fails

sharp hawk worms active

1. The kingbird is not bigger than a robin.

2. He eats flies, and worms, and bugs, and berries.

3. He builds his nest in a tree, near some house.

4. When there are young ones in the nest, he sits on the top of a tree near them.

5. He watches to see that no bird comes to hurt them or their mother.

6. If a hawk, a crow, or even an eagle comes near, he makes a dash at it.

7. Though he is so small, he is brave, and he is also very active.

8. He never fails to drive off other birds from his nest.

9. He flies around and around the eagle, and suddenly strikes him with his sharp bill.

10. He strikes at his eye, and then darts away before the eagle can catch him.

11. Or he strikes from behind, and is off again before the eagle can turn round.

12. In a short time, the great eagle is tired of such hard blows, and flies away. He is very glad to get rid of his foe.

13. Is not the little fellow a brave bird?

14. Because he can drive off all other birds, he is called the KINGBIRD.


A. Sound Work—Sort the list words based on the rule.

B. Word Work—Find and circle the word that is spelled incorrectly and correct it on the line provided.

1. The kingbird is not bigger than a rabin. _______

2. He eats flies, and werms, and bugs, and beries. _______ _______

3.Ifahawwk,acrow,orevenaneeglecomesnear,hemakesadash at it. _______ _______

4. He never fales to drive off other birds from his nest. _______

5. He striks at his eye, and then darrts away before the eagle can catch him. _______ _______

6. He is very glad to get rod of his fooe. _______ _______

C. Sentence Work—Find the list word(s) that:

1. starts with a “b” and has 2 “r”s in it _______

2. sounds like “hid” and has 3 letters _______

3. has 5 letters and has an “ai” in it _______

Can you name the three birds?

____________ ______________ _______________

D. Picture Work—Draw a picture of how the kingbird keeps his nest safe.