- 故乡的梦:少数民族摄影人才培养工程(第二期)学员作品集
- 中国摄影家协会
- 170字
- 2021-04-30 21:02:00
第二单元 家园变迁
Unit 2 Homeland Vicissitudes
四季牧歌 作者:白嘎利(内蒙古,蒙古族)

The Four Seasons'Idyll By Bai Gali(Inner Mongolia,Mongolian ethnic group)
The photo was taken in Dong Ujimqin Qi of Inner Mongolia, a place with four distinctive seasons. After the 1980s, the herdsmen began to stop roaming and gradually settled down. With the development of the time, their lives changed significantly. Some of them immigrated to cities, living in comfortable apartments and driving limousines. But their long-established shepherd life gradually came to an end.