Unit 05 我需要带些什么呢?


What do I need to take with me?


take [teɪk] 携带

luggage [ˈlʌɡɪdʒ] 行李

tidy up 收拾

packing [ˈpækɪŋ] 打包

bag [bæɡ] 旅行袋

pack [pæk] 打包

leave [liːv] 离开

forget [fəˈɡet] 忘记

passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt] 护照

airline ticket 机票

power adapter 电源转换器

definitely [ˈdefɪnətli] 绝对地

sunscreen lotion 防晒乳液

mobile phone 手机

charger [ˈtʃɑːdʒə(r)] 充电器

pack up 打包

shoe [ʃuː]

put [pʊt]

jeans [dʒiːnz] 牛仔裤

pants [pænts] 裤子

form [fɔːm] 形成

bottom [ˈbɒtəm] 底部

layer [ˈleɪə(r)]

clothing [ˈkləʊðɪŋ] 衣服

tightly [ˈtaɪtli] 紧紧地

roll [rəʊl]

minimize [ˈmɪnɪmaɪz] 减少到最低限度

wrinkling [ˈrɪŋklɪŋ] 皱褶

prepare [prɪˈpeə(r)] 准备



1. What do I need to take with me? 我需要带些什么呢?

2. Is your luggage tidied up yet? 你的行李都收拾好了吗?

3. Do you have much packing to do? 你要打包的行李多吗?

4. Make sure that your bags are packed before you leave. 在出发前一定要确保行李打包完好。

5. Don’t forget your passport and airline ticket. 不要忘了带护照和机票。

6. Don’t forget the power adapter. 不要忘了带电源转换器。

7. We definitely need the sunscreen lotion. 我们绝对需要防晒乳液。

8. I’m packing. I’ll leave for my trip in two days. 我在收拾东西。我2天后去旅行。

9. I almost forgot the mobile phone charger. 我差点忘了手机充电器。

10. I’m packing up my things. 我在打包。

11. I’ve packed my bags. 我的行李都打包好了。


12. Shoes go in first. 鞋子要第一个放入行李箱内。

13. Put in jeans and pants to form the bottom layer of clothing. 将牛仔裤和长裤放到箱子底层。

14. Tightly roll everything, which minimizes wrinkling. 将衣裤紧紧卷成轴,这样会让皱褶最少。


What do I need to prepare? 我需要准备些什么呢?

A: We are planning to go travelling on summer vacation. Do you want to go with us? 我们打算暑假去旅行。你想和我们一起去吗?

B: I’d love to. What do I need to prepare? 想去。我需要准备些什么呢?

You see, I’m packing up. 你看到了,我现在正在收拾行李。

A: I’ve heard that you plan to travel abroad; how are you getting along with your preparation? 听说你打算去国外旅游,准备得怎么样了?

B: Yeah, quite fine, more or less. You see, I’m packing up. 对啊,准备得差不多了。你看到了,我现在正在收拾行李。

Do you need me to help you pack up? 你需要我帮你整理行装吗?

A: Do you need me to help you pack up? 你需要我帮你整理行装吗?

B: No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。

Let’s pack up everything and leave. 我们收拾行李出发吧。

A: Let’s pack up everything and leave. 我们收拾行李出发吧。

B: OK. Let’s go! 好的。走喽!

I’m not sure if I’ve packed enough clothes for a two-week trip. 我不知道我带的衣服够不够穿2周啊。

A: Mm-hmm..., Gee, I really don’t want to pour cold water on you, but you see it may be quite a task getting to the airport with such a heavy suitcase. 呃……,老天,不是我要泼你冷水,但你带这么重的箱子去机场恐怕很困难啊。

B: It’s really a bit of bind. But I’m not sure if I’ve packed enough clothes for a two-week trip. 我也很头疼。但我不知道我带的衣服够不够穿2周啊。