About the reviewer

Matthew Fisher is a software engineer at Microsoft and one of the core maintainers of the Helm project. Born and raised on Vancouver Island, he studied computer systems at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Outside of work, he has an extensive list of hobbies, which is forever growing. On any given day, he is a musician, a luthier, a woodworker, a blacksmith, a cook, a photographer, and an artist. When he's not practicing with his guitar or rushing to and from the workshop, you'll find him out on another adventure with his wife, Brandy. He goes by the name @bacongobbler on GitHub and Twitter.

To my wife, Brandy: Thank you for your love and support, and for always being there for me. I am so thrilled I get to spend the rest of my life with you.

To my friends: Thank you for the birthdays, the inside jokes, the laughs, the food, and all the board game nights we've shared together since we were kids.

To my fellow Helm maintainers: Each and every one of you made Helm the successful project it is today. Thank you.