- Advanced Blockchain Development
- Imran Bashir Narayan Prusty
- 507字
- 2021-06-24 14:04:55
Asymmetric cryptography
Asymmetric cryptography refers to a type of cryptography where the key that is used to encrypt the data is different from the key that is used to decrypt the data. This is also known as public key cryptography. It uses both public and private keys to encrypt and decrypt data, respectively. Various asymmetric cryptography schemes are in use, including RSA, DSA, and ElGammal.
An overview of public key cryptography is shown in the following diagram:

The preceding diagram illustrates how a sender encrypts data P using the recipient's public key and encryption function E and producing an output encrypted data C which is then transmitted over the network to the receiver. Once it reaches the receiver, it can be decrypted using the receiver's private key by feeding the C encrypted data into function D, which will output plaintext P. This way, the private key remains on the receiver's side, and there is no need to share keys in order to perform encryption and decryption, which is the case with symmetric encryption.
The following diagram shows how the receiver uses public key cryptography to verify the integrity of the received message. In this model, the sender signs the data using their private key and transmits the message across to the receiver. Once the message is received, it is verified for integrity by the sender's public key.
It's worth noting that there is no encryption being performed in this model. It is simply presented here to help you understand thoroughly the sections covering message authentication and validation later in this chapter:

The preceding diagram shows that sender digitally signs the plaintext P with his private key using signing function S and produces data C which is sent to the receiver who verifies C using sender public key and function V to ensure the message has indeed come from the sender.
Security mechanisms offered by public key cryptosystems include key establishment, digital signatures, identification, encryption, and decryption.
Key establishment mechanisms are concerned with the design of protocols that allow the setting up of keys over an insecure channel. Non-repudiation services, a very desirable property in many scenarios, can be provided using digital signatures. Sometimes, it is important not only to authenticate a user but also to identify the entity involved in a transaction. This can also be achieved by a combination of digital signatures and challenge-response protocols. Finally, the encryption mechanism to provide confidentiality can also be obtained using public key cryptosystems, such as RSA, ECC, and ElGammal.
Public key algorithms are slower in terms of computation than symmetric key algorithms. Therefore, they are not commonly used in the encryption of large files or the actual data that requires encryption. They are usually used to exchange keys for symmetric algorithm. Once the keys are established securely, symmetric key algorithms can be used to encrypt the data.
Public key cryptography algorithms are based on various underlying mathematical functions. The three main categories of asymmetric algorithms are described here.