Inversion of control and API

Spring also helps developers to get rid of the necessity of writing a separate compilation unit, or a separate class loader to handle exceptions. Spring converts technology-dependent exceptions, particularly thrown by Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Hibernate or Java Data Objects (JDO), into unchecked and consistent exceptions. Spring does this magic using inversion of control and APIs.

Also, it uses IoC for DI, which means aspects can be configured normally. If we want to add our own behavior, we need to extend the classes of the framework or plug in our own classes. The following is a list of advantages for this kind of architecture:

  • Decoupling the execution of a task from its implementation
  • Making it easier to switch between different implementations
  • Greater modularity of a program
  • Greater ease in testing a program by isolating a component or mocking it
  • Dependencies and allowing components to communicate through contracts