- Learning Android Game Development
- Nikhil Malankar
- 414字
- 2025-02-17 22:28:26
About the Author
Nikhil Malankar started his journey into game development in 2011 by founding his company, GameEon, as the CEO, at the age of 17. GameEon has developed over 70+ games, of which 10 are available for download on Play Store and others are distributed worldwide via multiple distribution channels. Currently, he is running his new company--Next Move Digital--as the founder and CEO. Next Move Digital deals in digital media and game development.
He has a total experience of 5 years in the field of game development and has worked on technologies such as Pygame (a subset of Python) to create GameEon’s first game, Kyte - Kite Flying Game, which has over 300,000 downloads on Google Play. He is also familiar with the Unity Game engine and has developed most of the games at GameEon in the same. He has also worked with Unreal Engine 4 to develop Special Ops, a first person shooter game for Android and iOS.
He has also developed non-gaming apps and websites for clients. At GameEon, he also worked with multiple clients to develop games for them, and one of the most famous brands he has worked with is m-Indicator. He is also a social media influencer with a big following of his own on Facebook and is extremely passionate about playing games. With Next Move Digital, he aims to work on content creation, distribution, and licensing. He also operates a content website--Tell Me Nothing--under Next Move Digital, which focuses on lighthearted satirical content. His future endeavors with the company include making good-quality games for PC and console platforms.
Currently, he is running Next Move Digital, as the Founder and CEO, that focuses on creating digital media content.
Of course, I would also thank my mom, dad, and sister for supporting me throughout the entire process of writing this book, and also my close friends, without whom this book wouldn't have been possible.