RSpec and ChefSpec

As with most testing libraries, RSpec enables you to construct a set of expectations, build objects and interact with them, and verify that the expectations have been met. For example, one expects that when a user logs in to the system, a database record is created, tracking their login history. However, to keep tests running quickly, the application should not make an actual database call; in place of the actual database call, a mock method should be used. Here, our mock method will catch the message in the database in order to verify that it was going to be sent; then, it will return an expected result so that the code does not know the database is not really there.


Mock methods are methods that are used to replace one call with another; you can think of them as stunt doubles. For example, rather than making your code actually connect to the database, you might want to write a method that acts as though it has successfully connected to the database and fetched the expected data.

This can be extended to model Chef's ability to handle multiple platforms and environments very nicely; code should be verified to behave as expected on multiple platforms without having to execute recipes on those platforms. This means that you can test the expectations about Red Hat recipes from an OS X development machine or Windows recipes from an Ubuntu desktop, without needing to have hosts around to deploy to for testing purposes. Additionally, the development cycle time is greatly reduced as tests can be executed much faster with expectations than when they are performing some work on an end host.

You may be asking yourself, "How does this replace testing on an actual host?" The answer is that it may not, and so you should use integration testing to validate that the recipes work when deployed to real hosts. What it does allow you to do is validate your expectations of what resources are being executed, which attributes are being used, and that the logical flow of your recipes are behaving properly before you push your code to your hosts. This forms a tighter development cycle for rapid development of features while providing a longer, more formal loop to ensure that the code behaves correctly in the wild.

If you are new to testing software, and in particular, testing Ruby code, this is a brief introduction to some of the concepts that we will cover. Testing can happen at many different levels of the software life cycle:

  • Single-module level (called unit tests)
  • Multi-module level (known as functional tests)
  • System-level testing (also referred to as integration testing)

Testing basics

In the test-driven-development (TDD) philosophy, tests are written and executed early and often, typically, even before code is written. This guarantees that your code conforms to your expectations from the beginning and does not regress to a previous state of non-conformity. This chapter will not dive into the TDD philosophy and continuous testing, but it will provide you with enough knowledge to begin testing the recipes that you write and feel confident that they will do the correct thing when deployed into your production environment.

Comparing RSpec with other testing libraries

RSpec is designed to provide a more expressive testing language. This means that the syntax of an RSpec test (also referred to as a spec test or spec) is designed to create a language that feels more like a natural language, such as English. For example, using RSpec, one could write the following:

expect(factorial(4)).to eq 24

If you read the preceding code, it will come out like expect factorial of 4 to equal 24. Compare this to a similar JUnit test (for Java):

assertEquals(24, factorial(4));

If you read the preceding code, it would sound more like assert that the following are equal, 24 and factorial of 4. While this is readable by most programmers, it does not feel as natural as the one we saw earlier.

RSpec also provides context and describe blocks that allow you to group related examples and shared expectations between examples in the group to help improve organization and readability. For example, consider the following spec test:

describe Array do   
  it "should be empty when created" do == []   

Compare the preceding test to a similar NUnit (.NET testing framework) test:

namespace MyTest {   
  using System.Collection
  using NUnit.Framework;    
  public class ArrayTest {     
    public void NewArray() {
      ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
      Assert.AreEqual(0, list.size());

Clearly, the spec test is much more concise and easier to read, which is a goal of RSpec.

Using ChefSpec

ChefSpec brings the expressiveness of RSpec to Chef cookbooks and recipes by providing Chef-specific primitives and mechanisms on top of RSpec's simple testing language. For example, ChefSpec allows you to say things like:

  it 'creates a file' do     
    expect(chef_run).to create_file('/tmp/myfile.txt')   

Here, chef_run is an instance of a fully planned Chef client execution on a designated end host, as we will see later. Also, in this case, it is expected that it will create a file, /tmp/myfile.txt, and the test will fail if the simulated run does not create such a file.